Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving long weekend by the numbers

Pounds of turkey consumed chez Fraulein: 10

Home improvement projects completed with help from the Peanut's very industrious Pop-Pop: 1 (Waxing our hardwood floors!)

Pumpkin dessert items demolished: 2 (Nana's pumpkin pie and my cream cheese frosted pumpkin cake)

Hours of Caillou DVDs watched by the Peanut: Countless

Christmas decorating tasks completed: Zero, because I ran out of energy

Babies visited: 2: my friend Christine's charming four-month-old twins, who the Peanut loved hanging out with, along with the twins' big brother, who is almost 3 and likes to pretend to be a Power Ranger. Or Buzz Lightyear, or something. All those superheroes that the little boys like seem the same to me.

1 comment:

Misty said...

well it sounds incredibly productive, if you ask me.